Friday, September 26, 2008

orange person blues


landscape on tall walls

roman candles setting sun

i woke up late in the bright

flying on billions
of metallic

i'd walk behind the enemies
black violet
courtains of storm

a sensual storm
a pornographic idea of the past
imperial sadness - loved and true illusion
a nice fight on the wheels

ancient orange land
welfare of my wings
cinical and fresh air

i'd like to walk in
unnamed forests
in silent roots
of my yellow

far away
the sound
of garbage lights
shining glass
splitting ices
far away

blue numbers on neon
this night

the "grand tour" in italy - lesson 4: a national hero to respect

this is what sometimes power deserves

translation: during a speech celebrating adolf hitler, our national hero make his final comment with..."raspberry" sound

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the "grand tour" in italy - lesson 3: welfare state and italian ruling class

not difficult to understand
he salutes workers in outrageous way

possible translation: i think it's very simple...

Monday, September 15, 2008

the "grand tour" in italy - lesson 2: italian ruling class

italian ruling class, the best example you can find, better than books hystorical essays and other culturally nice things

possible translation: "It's me, a powerful person, while you are less than shit"

Friday, September 12, 2008

the "grand tour" in italy - lesson 1: italian charme..

all we appear as latin lovers as the below...

possible translation: "I can argue that you want to f..k"
in the clip ada didn't

Thursday, September 11, 2008

one teacher - one thought - one nation - one religion - one government - POEMS NO LESS, POEMS NO LESS !POEMS NO LESS, POEMS NO LESS !POEMS NO LESS, PO

don't ask why
somebody could laugh
it' s simpler, obvious, so don't ask any reason ... any explanation

governments wants you to be faithful like a dog

don't be silly: asking, asking ... they rule and they want to go on

one teacher - one thought - one nation - one religion - one government


one teacher - one thought - one nation - one religion - one government
one servant - one command - one war - one KAtolizismus - one TV

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

american gangster(s) - are they two of the same (system) ?

probably they are the two faces of the same medal
maybe they're like bread and sausage
capitalism and comunism
maccheroni and cheese...
dog and cat
they learn how the system works...
that's the reason why they eventually became friends

Friday, September 05, 2008

italian political debate by BS&C people

they are BS&C people ...
they want to communicate with people through a theoretic political debate
they lead..

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

lost in my own island - jecob (il mio geco) è socievole

non chiederti se io od altri dicono delle falsità
piuttosto considera le conseguenze reali di queste parole - se hanno delle conseguenze le parole non possono essere del tutto false...

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

g8 genova arancia meccanica stadi more tags needed

finta declamazione del grande fratello di orwell per un'austera e vaga. retrò estetica del lutto violento

asimmetria agli sfasciavetrine genova 2001 e ai tifosi ,
la diaz irrorata di sangue, il clima lugubre e
l' adrenalina di piazza alimonda

[ ritornello]
dagli al diverso
dagli al diverso untore
in marcia con gli anfibi

tifosi entriamo nella amata legione,
prediletta milizia dello sfascio metro-casuale
sotto l'insegna bipenne graduata
di neri e viola anarco tecnici

reietti dilaniamo la carne dei peregrin'inermi sul prato
durevol lezion diamo all'incuria per il transito sulla landa

schiera subproletaria della celebrazione strillante
arene e massa coreografica
- una giovane anarco tecnica virtù -
declamo al gladiatore
infliggiamo all'avversario l'onta della rete

commento finale

un parafulmine della violenza di cui è carico il lavoro i suv gli estetici ed il
silicone, piena la televisione, l'adsl, i nostalgici del '600, le extensions bionde,
la paghetta del sabato, le buone famiglie, i kamikaze, le località balneari, le
discoteche, il sangue di shining....
tettarelle da azzannare per il cane rabbioso da liberare ad intervalli

Monday, September 01, 2008

forse goldrake è riuscito a sconfiggere i venusiani

impressioni di ' september '
chi nelle schiere commerciali degli anni '80
chi veste fluo e i capelli cotonati

anche ponte milvio stamattina sembrava pop art

l'allegria isterica era anche al bar
ed era bionda

o forse era solo una parrucca del '700

per chi non deroga dalla conformità iniziale di september